KOKO HOTEL Premier Kumamoto

Teppanyaki Yoshihara

Address 〒860-0805
3-20 Sakuracho, Chuo Ward, Kumamoto City, Kumamoto Prefecture

business hours
17:00〜22:30 (21:30)

Closed according to hotel closed days

Directly connected to Sakuramachi Kumamoto bus terminal. 5 minutes by train from Kumamoto Station to Karashimacho Station.


Access from various places

  • From Kumamoto Airport

■ By bus (required time: about 60 minutes)
Kumamoto Airport Station (on foot) → Aso Kumamoto Airport Domestic Terminal (Sanko Bus Aso Kumamoto Airport Limousine Bus) → Kumamoto Sakuramachi Bus Terminal → Directly connected to the hotel

■ By car (required time: about 40 minutes)

  • From Kumamoto Station

■ By bus (required time: about 25 minutes) "Kumamoto" station (on foot) → Kumamoto station square (Kumamoto city bus Tozai line) → Kumamoto Sakuramachi bus terminal → Directly connected to the hotel

■ By car (required time: about 10 minutes)

Parking lot information

Two parking lots are available within walking distance.
Both are within walking distance.
*Please note that reservations cannot be made.

Access from Sakuramachi Kumamoto

The hotel is adjacent to SAKURAMACHI Kumamoto, and the entrance is on the 2nd floor of SAKURAMACHI Kumamoto.
(There is no need to worry about rain, and there are many places to shop and eat, so it is safe.)